Birds in Kaziranga National Park

Birds in Kaziranga National Park

Kaziranga National Park Birds

Kaziranga National Park, located in Assam, India, is a haven for birdwatchers and ornithologists, with over 500 bird species documented in the park. Here are some of the bird species found in Kaziranga National Park:

Birds in Kaziranga-

  1. Great Indian Hornbill: The Great Indian Hornbill is one of the most iconic birds found in the forested areas of Kaziranga National Park. Its large size and prominent beak quickly recognized it. The Great Indian Hornbill is known for its loud, raucous calls and can be seen flying between trees in search of fruit and insects.
  2. Indian Roller: The Indian Roller is a colorful bird found in the grasslands and open areas of the park. It is known for its aerial acrobatics during flight and can often be seen perched on trees, wires, and poles, waiting for prey. The Indian Roller is easily identified by its bright blue feathers on its wings and tail and its rusty brown back.
  3. Osprey: The Osprey is a large bird of prey found near water bodies in the park. It is known for its sharp talons and keen eyesight, which it uses to hunt fish. The Osprey is easily recognized by its white head and chest, dark brown back, and hooked beak.
  4. Swamp Francolin: The Swamp Francolin is a ground-dwelling bird found in the grasslands and wetlands of the park. It is known for its distinctive call and camouflage, which helps it blend in with its surroundings. The Swamp Francolin feeds on seeds, insects, and small animals and is easily identified by its brown and black feathers and red legs.
  5. Bengal Florican: The Bengal Florican is a critically endangered bird found in the park’s grasslands. It is known for its elaborate courtship display during the breeding season, which includes flapping its wings and jumping into the air. The Bengal Florican feeds on grasses and insects and is easily identified by its long, curved bill and distinctive coloration.
  6. Pallas’s Fish Eagle: The Pallas’s Fish Eagle is a large bird of prey found near water bodies in the park. It is known for its sharp talons and hooked beak, which it uses to hunt fish. The Pallas’s Fish Eagle is easily recognized by its dark brown feathers and white head.
  7. Black-necked Stork: The Black-necked Stork is a large wading bird found near water bodies in the park. It is known for its distinctive black and white feathers, long legs, and red beak. The Black-necked Stork feeds on fish, frogs, and small animals and is often seen wading through shallow water for prey.
  8. Oriental Pied Hornbill: The Oriental Pied Hornbill is a medium-sized bird found in the park’s forested areas. It is known for its large beak and distinctive black and white feathers. The Oriental Pied Hornbill feeds on fruit and insects and is often seen perched on trees for food.
  9. Lesser Adjutant: The Lesser Adjutant is a large wading bird found near water bodies in the park. It is known for its distinctive black and white feathers, long neck, and red beak. The Lesser Adjutant feeds on fish, frogs, and small animals and is often seen wading through shallow water for prey.
  10. Painted Stork: The Painted Stork is a large wading bird found near water bodies in the park. It is known for its distinctive pink and black feathers, long legs, and yellow beak. The Painted Stork feeds on fish, frogs, and small animals,


Piyush Kumar

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