Bandhavgarh National Park Is Famous For Which Animal-

Bandhavgarh National Park Is Famous For Which Animal-

Bandhavgarh national park is famous for

Bandhavgarh National Park is famous for its tiger population, making it one of the top tiger reserves in India. The park is located in the Vindhya Hills in Madhya Pradesh and covers an area of approximately 450 square kilometers. The park has a diverse ecosystem with varied topography, including rocky hills, grasslands, and forested areas, providing an ideal habitat for several wildlife species.

The park is home to over 50 tigers and is known for its high density per unit area. The tigers in Bandhavgarh are known for their large size and distinct physical characteristics. The park also has a healthy population of predators such as leopards, wild dogs, and hyenas.

Apart from tigers, Bandhavgarh National Park is also famous for its diverse flora and fauna. The park has over 250 species of birds, including endangered species like the white-rumped vulture and the Indian eagle owl. The park is also home to several species of deer, such as sambar, spotted deer, and barking deer. Other notable mammals in the park include Indian bison, sloth bears, and wild boars.

Bandhavgarh National Park has several open zones for visitors, including the Tala Zone, Magdhi Zone, and Khitauli Zone. Each zone has a different landscape and is home to a unique set of wildlife, allowing visitors to explore the park’s biodiversity.

In conclusion, Bandhavgarh National Park is famous for its tiger population and is one of the top tiger reserves in India. The park also has diverse flora and fauna, including several endangered species. Visitors can explore the different zones of the park to experience its varied landscapes and wildlife.


Piyush Kumar

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