Satna to Bandhavgarh National Park Distance

Satna to Bandhavgarh National Park Distance

How to reach bandhavgarh national park from Satna -

The distance between Satna and Bandhavgarh National Park varies depending on the route taken, but the most commonly used route is via NH-135 and takes approximately 115 km (71.5 miles) to cover.

The route from Satna to Bandhavgarh National Park involves traveling through urban and rural areas and hilly terrain. The journey takes around 3-4 hours by car, depending on traffic and road conditions.

Visitors can travel to Bandhavgarh National Park from Satna by taxi, private car, or bus. Taxis and private cars can be hired at Satna railway station or bus stand, while buses are available from Satna to Umaria, the nearest town to Bandhavgarh National Park. From Umaria, visitors can hire a taxi or private car to reach the park.

It is recommended that visitors plan their journey and book their transportation in advance, especially during peak tourist season, to avoid any last-minute hassles.


Piyush Kumar

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