Animals in Bandhavgarh National Park

Animals in Bandhavgarh National Park

Bandhavgarh National Park Animals-

Bandhavgarh National Park is home to a variety of wildlife species. Here are some details about the animals that can be found in Bandhavgarh:

  1. Tigers: Bandhavgarh National Park is famous for its tiger population and has one of India’s highest tiger densities. The park is home to over 70 tigers, which can be seen roaming freely in their natural habitat.
  2. Leopards: Apart from tigers, Bandhavgarh is also known for its leopard population. These elusive big cats are often spotted in the park but are more challenging to see than tigers.
  3. Indian Bison: Also known as gaur, the Indian bison is the largest animal found in Bandhavgarh. These herbivores can be seen grazing in open meadows or wandering through the forest.
  4. Sloth Bears: Sloth bears are another common sight in Bandhavgarh. These fuzzy creatures can often be seen foraging for termites or honeycombs in the forest.
  5. Wild Dogs: Indian wild dogs, also known as dholes, can be found in the park. These pack animals are excellent hunters and are often seen in groups of 6-12.
  6. Sambar Deer: The park is also home to several species of deer, including the majestic Sambar Deer. These herbivores can be seen grazing in open meadows or resting in the shade of trees.
  7. Indian Muntjac: Also known as barking deer, Indian muntjac are small, shy deer often found in the park’s forested areas.
  8. Wild Boar: Wild boars are common in Bandhavgarh and can often be seen rooting around on the forest floor.

These are just some of the animals that can be found in Bandhavgarh National Park. Visitors to the park may also spot other species, such as jungle cats, civets, hyenas, and various species of birds.


Piyush Kumar

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