Bandhavgarh National Park to Kanha National Park Distance

Bandhavgarh National Park to Kanha National Park Distance

Bandhavgarh National Park to Kanha National Park Distance in Hindi-

The distance between Bandhavgarh National Park and Kanha National Park is approximately 250 kilometers by road. Both these national parks are located in Madhya Pradesh, India. Here are the details of the distance and route between Bandhavgarh National Park and Kanha National Park:

1- Road: The most common and convenient way to travel from Bandhavgarh National Park to Kanha National Park is by road. The distance between the two parks is around 250 kilometers, and it takes approximately 5-6 hours to cover by car or taxi.

The route is as follows:

  • Start from Bandhavgarh National Park and travel towards the east on NH30 for around 110 kilometers to reach Jabalpur.
  • From Jabalpur, take the NH547C highway towards the southeast and travel for around 140 kilometers to reach Kanha National Park.

2- Train: Another way to travel between Bandhavgarh and Kanha National Park is by train. The nearest railway station to Bandhavgarh National Park is Umaria Railway Station, 35 kilometers away. From Umaria, you can take a train to Jabalpur and then take a taxi or hire a car to reach Kanha National Park.

3- Air: The nearest airport to Bandhavgarh National Park is Jabalpur Airport, which is around 190 kilometers away. You can hire a taxi or bus from Jabalpur Airport to reach Kanha National Park.

Note: The travel time and distance may vary depending on the mode of transportation, traffic, and road conditions. It is advisable to check the latest travel information and plan your trip accordingly.


Piyush Kumar

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