Delhi to Jim Corbett Distance by Road

Delhi to Jim Corbett Distance by Road

The distance between Delhi and Jim Corbett National Park is approximately 240 kilometers by road. The driving time can vary depending on the route and traffic conditions.

The most popular and fastest route from Delhi to Jim Corbett National Park is:

  1. Take NH 9 from Delhi towards Ghaziabad
  2. Turn right onto NH 24 towards Hapur and then Moradabad
  3. From Moradabad, take the Rampur Road towards Kashipur
  4. From Kashipur, take the Ramnagar Road to reach Jim Corbett National Park

This route covers a distance of around 240 kilometers and takes around 5-6 hours by car, depending on the traffic. It is advisable to start early in the morning to avoid traffic and reach the park before sunset.

Delhi to Jim Corbett Distance by Car-

He most popular and fastest route from Delhi to Jim Corbett National Park is:

  1. Take NH 9 from Delhi towards Ghaziabad
  2. Turn right onto NH 24 towards Hapur and then Moradabad
  3. From Moradabad, take the Rampur Road towards Kashipur
  4. From Kashipur, take the Ramnagar Road to reach Jim Corbett National Park

This route covers a distance of around 240 kilometers and takes around 5-6 hours by car, depending on the traffic. It is advisable to start early in the morning to avoid traffic and reach the park before sunset. 


Piyush Kumar

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