Flora of Kaziranga National Park

Flora of Kaziranga National Park

Flora in Kaziranga national park-

Kaziranga National Park is home to diverse flora, including aquatic and terrestrial vegetation. Here are some details about the flora of Kaziranga National Park:

  1. Grasslands: The grasslands of Kaziranga National Park are the dominant vegetation type and cover over 70% of the park’s area. These grasslands are a mix of tall elephant grass, which can grow up to 6 meters in height, and short grasses, such as baikhua and Khar-pat.
  2. Wetlands: Kaziranga National Park is also home to numerous wetlands, including marshes, swamps, and oxbow lakes. These wetlands support a variety of aquatic vegetation, such as water lilies, lotus, and water hyacinths.
  3. Forests: The park has several patches of woods, including tropical moist deciduous forests, semi-evergreen forests, and tropical semi-evergreen forests. These forests are home to several tree species, such as Hollock, Kumbhi, Indian rosewood, and Elephant apple.
  4. Shrubs and Bushes: Kaziranga National Park has several shrubs and bushes that provide a rich habitat for several bird and animal species. These include Bonsum, Oroxylum Indicum, Indian gooseberry, and various bamboo species.
  5. Medicinal Plants: The park also has several species of medicinal plants, including turmeric, neem, Indian gooseberry, and black pepper.
  6. Endemic Species: Kaziranga National Park is home to several endemic plant species such as Rohu (Alseodaphne Oroxylum), Sonaru (Bridelia Retusa), Bhelu (Grewia Serrulata), and Bonjolokia (Capsicum Assamicum).
  7. Conservation Efforts: Kaziranga National Park has implemented various measures to conserve its flora. These include controlled burning to maintain the grasslands, reforestation programs, and conservation of wetlands. The park also has a dedicated nursery where several endemic and rare plant species are grown and protected.

In conclusion, the flora of Kaziranga National Park is diverse and rich, with several endemic and rare species of plants. Visitors can witness the park’s beautiful and varied vegetation and learn about the conservation efforts undertaken to protect flora and fauna of the park.


Piyush Kumar

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