Jabalpur to Bandhavgarh National Park Distance by Road-

Jabalpur to Bandhavgarh National Park Distance by Road-

Jabalpur is a major city in Madhya Pradesh, India, and Bandhavgarh National Park is located in the Umaria district, which is around 200 km away from Jabalpur. The distance between Jabalpur and Bandhavgarh National Park can be covered by road, and the journey takes about 4-5 hours, depending on the mode of transport and the route taken.

Road Distance: Jabalpur and Bandhavgarh National Park distance is approximately 170 km. The most popular route to reach Bandhavgarh from Jabalpur is NH 30 and SH 11. This route passes through Mandla and Shahpura, taking around 4-5 hours to get to the park. Another route is via NH 44 and SH 22, which takes a similar time to go to Bandhavgarh.

Mode of Transport: Various modes of transport are available to cover the distance between Jabalpur and Bandhavgarh National Park. These include:

  1. Private Cars/Taxis: Private cars or taxis can be hired from Jabalpur to reach Bandhavgarh National Park. The journey takes around 4-5 hours and the cost of hiring a car or taxi can vary depending on the vehicle type and the travel time.
  2. Buses: Regular buses run between Jabalpur and Bandhavgarh National Park, and the journey takes around 5-6 hours. Bus tickets are cheaper than private cars or taxis, but the availability of buses can be limited.
  3. Shared Taxis: Shared taxis are also available from Jabalpur to Bandhavgarh National Park. These are more economical than private taxis and can be a good option for solo travelers or small groups. The journey time is similar to private cars or taxis.

In conclusion, the distance between Jabalpur and Bandhavgarh National Park by road is around 170 km, and the journey takes around 4-5 hours, depending on the mode of transport and the route taken. Private cars or taxis, buses, and shared taxis are the most common modes of transportation between Jabalpur and Bandhavgarh National Park. Visitors can choose the mode of transport based on their budget and preferences.


Piyush Kumar

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