Tiger in Bandhavgarh National Park

Tiger in Bandhavgarh National Park

How many tigers in bandhavgarh national park -

Bandhavgarh National Park is famous for its high tiger density, making it one of India’s best places to spot these big majestic cats. The park is home to around 70-80 tigers, one of the world’s highest tiger densities. The park has a significant role in the conservation of tigers in India, as it has successfully increased the tiger population over the years.

The tigers in Bandhavgarh National Park are known for their large size and distinct markings, including various stripes and spots. The park is also home to other big cats, such as leopards and wild cats, but tigers are the most sought-after animal in the park.

Visitors can take part in jeep safaris or elephant rides to spot tigers in the park, which the park authorities and local tour operators conduct. The safaris are conducted in the early morning and late afternoon, the best times to spot wildlife. Visitors need to obtain a permit from the park authorities to take part in the safaris, and the permits can be obtained online or at the park entrance gate.

Apart from tigers, the park is also home to various other wildlife, including deer, bison, wild boar, and langurs. The park is also a paradise for birdwatchers, with over 250 bird species. Some commonly sighted birds include the crested serpent eagle, Indian roller, and black drongo, among others.

Overall, Bandhavgarh National Park is a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers who wish to spot tigers and explore the rich biodiversity of India.


Piyush Kumar

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